Update Notifications

How can I stay up to date on new capabilities in DayBack?

DayBack will keep you informed about new features, updates, and scheduling tips through the "more" menu (the three dots) at the top-right of the app. When there is new content you haven't seen yet, the three dots will change to a green envelope.

Can I turn this off?

Yes, you have several options. Note that features like "Admin Settings" are only available to DayBack Administrators, so there's no need to turn off notifications just for that reason. You can also choose to show these update notifications only to administrators, which we recommend since they will likely want to know about new features and capabilities.

To manage who sees these "What's New" notifications:

  1. If you're an admin, click "Administrator Settings" in the Settings tab of the calendar's left-hand sidebar.
  2. Find the "Misc" section in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Within "Misc," you'll see an option to show "What's New" to everyone, just to administrators, or to turn it off entirely.

To turn off the entire three-dots menu:

  1. Go to the "Views" section of "Administrator Settings."
  2. Add the word "Notifications" to the "Hide Menu Items" setting.

By adjusting these settings, you can control how and to whom update notifications are displayed.