Text Filter Options

DayBack allows you to filter its view based on any text you enter into the text filter. It searches for your string in the following locations:

  • Any field in an event (including fields visible in the calendar or when clicking on an event)
  • The event's calendar name (source), allowing you to include an entire calendar by its name
  • Any custom fields

Operators: AND & OR

You can also use AND and OR operators in your filters. The calendar will infer parentheses in the following way:

  • Tim and Beth and Urgent : Returns only events that have all three attributes.
  • Tim or Beth or Urgent : Returns events that have any of these three attributes.
  • Tim or Beth and Urgent : Returns events that contain Tim or (Beth and Urgent).
  • Tim and Beth or Urgent : Returns (Tim and Beth) or Urgent, meaning events containing both Tim and Beth, as well as any events containing Urgent.

Field and Source/Calendar Names

You can filter against specific field names using the format fieldname: value . Source names (the names of your calendars) work the same way. Here are some examples:

  • status: Hot : Finds items where the status is "Hot" and items where the status includes "Hotter".
  • source: shared : Picks up only the source (calendar) named "Workload Shared" and not an event in another source with "share" in the description.
  • Title: error OR Holidays In the United States : Returns items with "error" in the title along with all items in the calendar named "Holidays In the United States".
  • Status: done OR Resource: Ann : Returns items where the status is "done" or the resource is set to "Ann".

For additional fields, use the actual field name from FileMaker in your filter, not the label you've assigned to the field.


Use * (an asterisk) in your filters to represent zero or more characters.

  • location:* : Finds only items that have a location entered.
  • Workload Shared:* : Returns everything in the "Workload Shared" calendar.
  • Meetup OR Workload Shared:* : Returns any events with "Meetup" in their text, along with all events in the "Workload Shared" calendar.


When filtering on a checkbox field, use the field name followed by True .

  • done: -True : Finds all the To-Dos in Basecamp that are not marked as done.


Use parentheses to create logical groupings.

  • (vacation OR off) and James : Returns any instances where James is marked as on vacation or off for the day.
  • (Proposed Value: > 50000 OR Status: = urgent) and Customer: Acme : Shows Acme events with a proposed value greater than $50k and those marked as urgent.

Comparison Operators

DayBack's filters also understand comparison operators, including:

  • >
  • <
  • =
  • -

Make sure to include the colon when using these operators:

  • Hrs Remaining: > 6 : Finds items where "Hrs Remaining" is greater than 6.

Omitting Matching Values

The - operator is particularly useful for excluding specific values.

  • Status: -canceled : Shows all items except those that are canceled.
  • Status: -* : Shows all items where the status is blank.

Excluding Specific Calendars

To exclude specific calendars, use the - operator with the calendar name.

  • -Workload Shared : Shows everything except the "Workload Shared" calendar. You can also use source: -Workload Shared for clarity.

Filtering Multi-Value Picklists

To filter items based on specific values in a multi-value picklist:

  • Rooms: Room 1 and Rooms: -Room 2 and Rooms: -Room 3 : Returns items where the "Room" field is just "Room 1." Items with both "Room 1" and "Room 2" selected are not returned.
Comparison operators let you really focus on what matters most: