Remember Me

Can I set this up so I don't have to keep logging into DayBack Online?

Yes. If you're using DayBack Online in a browser then just mark "remember me" when signing on and DayBack won't ask you for your login again for quite some time (unless you manually sign-out from the account settings tab).

FileMaker Specific: DayBack and DayBack Classic

If you're using DayBack Online in a FileMaker web viewer, the "remember me" checkbox ensures you won't need to log in again when you return to the web viewer layout. However, you will be prompted to log in again if you quit and reopen FileMaker. To avoid this, you can include a user token in the web viewer's URL.

Instead of using this URL as your web viewer's target URL:


Use this URL format:


Replace MyUserToken with the token found on the "me" tab in DayBack under Settings > Account Settings.

Since each user has a unique user token, it's best to make the web viewer URL a calculation that sets the token for each logged-in user's account name. For example:

"" &
	Let ( [
		n = Get ( AccountName ) 
	] ;
	Case (
		n = "Joe Smith" ; "J0eXAiOiJKV1QN3b3JkIkIDWf1eAbWFpbC..." ;
		n = "Admin" ; "6ZmFsc2UsImlhdCI6MTUyM2MzM5OCwidi..."

DayBack for FileMaker: Create Users and Sign Them In Automatically

Instead of adding a user token for each user, add a group token to your web viewer and DayBack will manage your users for you. Learn more.