Adding Microsoft 365 to Your DayBack

Turning on Microsoft 365 Calendars

If you're already using DayBack, turning on MS 365 is as easy as visiting DayBack's admin settings, and turning visibility "on" for the MS 365 calendar source:

Once the source is visible in your group, you'll see an "Authorize" button. Click this to grant DayBack permission to see your MS365 Calendars and any group shared calendars that you are assigned to.

What if I receive a prompt stating I "Need admin approval"?

If you are receiving the "Need admin approval" prompt during authentication, it can be due to one or both of the following:

  1. DayBack supports the ability to read and write to group shared calendars. Meaning, if a user is a member of an MS365 group, they can create/delete events in the group shared calendars in DayBack. However, this required DayBack to add a new permission requirement from MS365 Group.ReadWrite.All where Admin consent is set to required. This means that some MS365 accounts that have the scope/permission "Group.ReadWrite.All" set to "Admin consent required" will receive a prompt saying they need admin approval in order to proceed.

  2. It could also be the case that your MS365 account is set by your MS365 administrators to require their approval before authenticating to any external applications (like DayBack). So no matter what application you are trying to authenticate your MS365 account to, you'll need your administrator's permission.

In both cases, if you are a non-admin user, you'll need to contact your MS365 administrator to approve authentication of your MS365 account into DayBack. Though, once approval has been granted, you are set to use your MS365 account in DayBack!

Can I See Shared MS365 Calendars?

Yes. A calendar either needs to be shared directly with a user, or it needs to be a group calendar (created as a group calendar) in order to show up in DayBack. The MS365 API won't return other "shared' calendars.