Event Popovers

Popovers - where you create and edit events in DayBack

When you click on or create a new event in the calendar, you'll see your event in a popover; this article describes the options available for changing how this works and changing the fields that appear in the popover.

What are my options for changing how the popover looks and behaves?

While you can't edit the popover as easily as you can edit a Salesforce page, you have several options for how this works. 

• Field Mapping. When you described your Salesforce object to DayBack, you mapped the fields in this popover to the fields in your record. This  field mapping is done Admin / Sources / Source Settings. Change this mapping if you'd like to see something else as the event's title, for example, or would like to use a different field for the resource.
• Hiding Fields. Hiding unused fields is very easy: visit the field mapping for this source in Admin / Sources / Source Settings and click "unused" beside any field that you don't want to see in the popover. (A few fields are required and won't have an "unused" option.)
• Changing the Field Order. You can have some control over the order of fields by using CSS to move them up and down like this:
.Events .panel-selector[name=contact] {
.Events #description {
• Color. The swatch of color in the upper left is defined by the item's calendar source (you can change this in the DayBack's left-hand sidebar) AND by the field you've mapped to "status" in your Source Settings. If the value in that field matches one of the Status Filter colors (in the calendar's left-hand sidebar), you'll see the event's color n the popover. More on changing the item's color here:  event colors.
• Changing Text Labels & Translation. You can change the text used for any of the popover's field labels in the same place you did your field mapping: in Admin / Sources / Source Settings. These labels can be different for each source in the calendar: so you can label "resources" as "Team Members" in one source and "Trucks" in another.  To change the names of things shared across sources--like the save and delete buttons--you can edit DayBack's translation table. While this is most often used to localize DayBack into other languages, editing the English translation table is a great way to change the app's nomenclature to reflect your business. So maybe your "Resource" tab says "Planning" or "Dispatch." Learn more here:  translation
• Styles and CSS. By editing DayBack's CSS, you can change the appearance of items in the popover, including fonts and colors. Note that each popover in DayBack is classed with the name of the calendar source, so you can make CSS specific to each source, altering the appearance of some but not others. For example, if you had a calendar named "New Patient Intake," the popovers for those events would be wrapped in a class named "NewPatienIntake," and you could use the class .NewPatienIntake{ your styles} to address just the popovers from that calendar.
• Add Your Own Buttons: Custom Actions. Probably the most important thing you can add to the popover is a series of your own buttons. These "custom action buttons" can navigate to other Salesforce pages and run your own scripts to manipulate the event or jump out of DayBack to work with the event in your own layouts. You can have as many action buttons as you'd like. Learn how to add them here:  Custom Actions

Salesforce Specific

Can I edit the item in its Salesforce page instead of in the popover?

Yes. Some users have very detailed pages for editing their events and would rather use those instead of DayBack's popover. 

You have three options for this:

  • First, you can set this up as a Custom Action to first see the event popover and then have a button in the popover's drawer that will take them to the item's own Salesforce page. You'll see a button already set up like this for the objects DayBack shows by default (Activities, Campaigns, etc.)
  • Alternatively, you can bypass the popover entirely and have DayBack go right to an item's Salesforce page when you click on an item in the calendar. You'll find step-by-step instructions for setting up both of these approaches here:  How can I jump to my record in Salesforce?
  • You can also use a native Salesforce modal view inside DayBack, replacing DayBack's built-in popover. Instructions are here: Using Lightning Modal Boxes in Salesforce

FileMaker Specific

What if I want to work in *my* event in a layout instead of a popover?

Some users have very detailed layouts for editing their events and would rather use those instead of DayBack's web viewer popover. 

No problem. You can configure DayBack to use your own layout instead of the popover, and you can specify a different configuration for each source in the calendar. (In DayBack's sample file, you'll see the calendar uses a web viewer for "Sample Events" and a FileMaker layout for "To-Dos.")

Learn more here: using your own FileMaker layouts in DayBack Calendar.