Can't Find a Field in Salesforce

Why am I seeing an "Invalid Field" error?

You're seeing this because DayBack can't find one of the fields you've named in field mapping

You'll need to be a DayBack admin and maybe a Salesforce admin to resolve this issue. If you're not please reach out to your Salesforce admin, or contact us, for help.

The error should show you the name of the calendar, the name of the Salesforce Object the calendar is based on, and the name of the field DayBack can't find. There are two reasons you may be seeing this:

You don't have permission to see the named field

It's not uncommon that a Salesforce admin can see fields that regular users can't. This means an admin can map fields in DayBack that some of their users are unable to see. To fix this, visit the user's Profile and Permissions in Salesforce and make sure they have access to all the fields you're using in DayBack. 

Note that there may be more than one field DayBack isn't able to find, but this error will only name the first one.

The field you named no longer exists

If you've renamed or deleted a field used in DayBack's field mapping, DayBack won't be able to find it in your Salesforce object. Please revisit field mapping for this calendar and select a new field.

If you can't resolve this issue right away, you can deselect this calendar in the "Calendars" tab of DayBack's left-hand sidebar.