

DayBack offers some of the views you'll find in a traditional calendar along with a few new ones. 

Of the traditional views, Day and Week view have both "schedule" and a "list" option. While both views display the same records, the schedule view arranges items in a time grid for the day or week.

You can change the schedule view's scale from the default 15 minutes in the Settings tab of the sidebar under Time Settings / Time Scale.

Day View: Schedule

Day View: List

Month view options

The month view in DayBack is a traditional 42-cell grid with several useful options that make these views more useful than traditional grids. These options are available in the Settings tab of the left-hand sidebar under "view settings." These settings also apply to other views such as Day, Week, and Schedule.

  • Compressed View: By default, DayBack expands each event to show as much text as is in the combined title and description. When Compressed View is "on," each item in the calendar is rendered as a single line, allowing you to see more events at once.
  • Fluid Months: By default, DayBack enlarges the height of each day in the month to show all the items for that day. This often requires scrolling to see the entire month, but ensures you see all events for each day. When Fluid Months is "off," DayBack fits the entire month on your screen and shows "x more" when there are more events than can be displayed in the allotted space.

Horizon view

Horizon view is particularly useful for planning your work as it displays the longest time frame and lets you see the distances between upcoming events. Learn more about Horizon view, including its productivity shortcuts, here: Horizon View.

Resource scheduling views

Resource views help manage dense schedules by creating one column (or one row in the grid version) for each resource. This allows you to see what each resource is doing and identify gaps where new work can be accommodated. This is especially useful when viewing more than one day at a time, as the resources menu lets you view up to 14 days at once. Resource scheduling is covered in more detail here: Resource Scheduling Overview.