Multiple Resources per Object

Can I select more than one resource for the same item?

Yes, provided your data model in Salesforce or FileMaker supports it. You can drag an event in the Resource views from one resource column/row to another. When you do, the new resource will be swapped in for the one you dragged from, while other resources for the event remain intact. See this in action here: Assigning Multiple Resources to an Item.

Multiple Resources in Salesforce

Do Salesforce records support more than one resource per item?

Yes, depending on the Salesforce object you're using.

  • Native Events Object: The default resource mapping to Owner.Name won’t allow multiple values because Salesforce only permits a single owner per item. Mapping to a custom text field in the Events object will work.
  • Custom Field in Another Object: If you’ve mapped to another object with a custom field set up as a long text field or a multi-select picklist, you can select more than one resource by shift-clicking resources in DayBack’s resource drawer (screenshow below). For more on field mapping, check this out: Mapping the Resource Field in Salesforce.

Can I treat both people and rooms as resources?

Absolutely. This is one of the most common setups for DayBack. How you set this up depends on where the resources are recorded in your Salesforce object.

  1. Your Objects have a Single Resource Field Per Object:
    • Some objects use "Owner" for a person, and others use another field for "Room."
    • This setup requires no special configuration, though you’ll likely want to create separate resource folders for people and rooms. If the field you're using for "Room" is a long text field or a multi-select picklist, you can associate multiple resources with the same item.
  2. Your Objects have Two Resource Fields in the Same Object:
    • One resource is the activity "Owner," and the other is a custom field for "Room."
    • For this scenario, you will create two calendar sources mapped to the same table: one uses the owner as the resource field and the other uses the room. You can then turn on one source (e.g., "Activities by Technician") to view assignments by person and the other source (e.g., "Activities by Room No.") to view by room. Separate resource folders for people and rooms are recommended.
  1. You Object has a Single Resource Field Supporting Multiple Values:
    • If your resource field is a long text field or a multi-select picklist, users can shift-click when selecting resources to associate more than one resource with an item. These multiple resources will be written as a semicolon-separated list in your Salesforce object’s resource field, just as if they were entered in your picklist.
    • You can drag an event from one resource column to another in the Resource view, swapping the new resource for the one you dragged from, while other resources for the event remain intact.

Multiple Resources in FileMaker

Simply shift-click when selecting resources for an event to associate more than one resource with the event. In FileMaker, these multiple resources will be written as a return-separated list in your FileMaker table's resource field.

Using IDs Instead of Resource Names:

DayBack requires the field mapped to "Resource" to contain the resource name. However, if you're using IDs, you can set up your ID field to look up the resource IDs based on the names entered in the field mapped to "Resource." Learn more here: Mapping the Resource Field in FileMaker.

Multiple Resources in Google Calendar

You don't need to do anything to get multiple resources to work in Google Calendar. DayBack essentially lets you add new fields to Google Calendar, and Resource is one example of that.

DayBack currently supports multiple resources (and a single status) per Google event.