Alarms and Reminders

DayBack doesn't have any alarm or notifications by itself, but it will honor alarms set up in your specific platform, such as Google, Salesforce, or FileMaker.

Salesforce Notifications

DayBack does not have built-in alarms apart from the reminders available in Salesforce. These Salesforce reminders will still function when you're using DayBack. If you create an event in DayBack and assign it to "Tim", Tim's default reminder settings will be applied to the event. Tim may also receive an email reminder if he has his Activity Reminders configured that way.

Please note that "all day" events created in DayBack will adopt the default "task" reminder settings established in Salesforce.

FileMaker Notifications

You can configure your FileMaker Server to send out alarm notifications as emails or SMS. This is actually built into to DayBack for FileMaker and you can learn more about it here: alarms in DayBack for FileMaker.