Repeating Events on Horizon View

Showing and Hiding Repeating Events

DayBack's Horizon view allows you to hide repeating events, which is especially useful at longer time scales. This helps to focus on big milestones without daily or weekly events cluttering the view. These settings do not affect the visibility of repeating events in other views.

For an overview of Horizon view, including productivity shortcuts, check this out: Horizon View.

Repeating Events In Google Calendar

The "auto" option will hide repeating events at specific time scales:

  • Daily repetitions are hidden at scales > 45 days
  • Weekly repetitions at scales > 75 days
  • Monthly repetitions at scales > 40 weeks
  • Yearly repetitions at scales > 80 months

If you'd like to be more precise, you can turn off "auto" and manually decide which repetitions are visible.

In Salesforce

Salesforce offers a single option for Salesforce objects: show or hide all repetitions regardless of their frequency. If your Horizon view gets too cluttered with repeating events, you can use text filters to restrict what's shown

In FileMaker

Repeating events aren't native to FileMaker—they're treated as separate events. To filter them out, use text filters, status filters, or FileMaker's access privileges.

In Basecamp

DayBack currently does not support repeating events in Basecamp, so there are no repeating events to hide in this platform