Granting Access to DayBack - CORS

You'll want to make a simple change in your Salesforce org to let it accept requests from DayBack's Salesforce Connect users. 

(Note that you don't need to do this if you only use the DayBack app you installed from App Exchange. Learn more about the two ways DayBack connects to Salesforce here: Salesforce Connect Basics.)


First, navigate to Set Up in your Salesforce both and type "cors" into quick find:


Next, click on "CORS" under Security:


Click "New" and enter the URL for DayBack into the Allowed Origin List by typing in https://*


Click "Save," and you're all set. 

Your Salesforce org will now accept requests from DayBack provided that the requestor has authenticated into your Salesforce org. This kind of access respects all the Salesforce profiles and permissions you've set up, so users will only be able to see the information they'd be able to see if they logged into Salesforce directly.