Read Only Objects & Events

Can I make a calendar completely read-only?

Yes, but how depends on which platform you are using DayBack on.

For Google/MS365 DayBack users:

DayBack will respect the calendar specific access settings you've place. So you can set any calendar you'd like to be read-only within Google or MS365 and DayBack will respect that setting.

Admins can also designate individual users as having read-only access. The read-only option can be set in the calendar settings under the group menu. From there, select the user account you'd like to set up and click the yes/no radio button next to Read Only.

For Salesforce DayBack users:

Salesforce system administrators can configure any given Salesforce calendar source to be read-only by enabling the "Read Only" setting in the Calendar Info tab.

To designate read-only access to individual users, you'll need to set permission restrictions on the Salesforce object (mapped to the calendar source in DayBack) for the specific user's profile or by a permission set. There is no group menu as users are added and managed by Salesforce. DayBack will respect any access limitations you've set in your Salesforce object for those users.

Can only some events be read-only?

Only if your original calendar source (like Salesforce or FileMaker) has its own privilege scheme; if it does, DayBack will pick that up. For example, DayBack will respect any access limitations you've crafted in your Salesforce objects. So if you are enforcing that an event is not editable when it's in a certain state, DayBack will respect that and edits attempted in the calendar will be reverted. This is also true for rules you've set where items can't be seen or edited by certain profiles. Under the hood, DayBack is asking Salesforce to make these edits for you--which is why all your triggers and workflows fire when you edit events in DayBack--and thus a user in DayBack can't do anything with your events they can't do in regular Salesforce.

Yet it would be ideal if DayBack's interface respected your access limitations as well and didn't let users think they could edit events that were otherwise locked.

Read-Only Fields

In addition to making entire calendars read-only in DayBack, you can now designate individual fields as read-only or hidden. Learn more here: Read-Only or Hidden Fields.

By default, any field marked read-only will have a small lock next to it, like the one beside "Location" below.