Show a Calendar as a Resource


The "Show as Resource" feature lets you treat an entire calendar as if all its events are linked to one of your resources. This is useful for organizing shared calendars into the correct rows/columns on your scheduling views.

Details & Example

While your Salesforce, FileMaker, or Basecamp events likely already have a "resource" associated with them (often the event Owner in Salesforce), your Google calendars often do not. In fact, you may have many Google calendars being shared with you, each representing the availability of a particular person. For example, your teammates or volunteers may share their personal calendars with you (sometimes blocking out the event details) so you don't schedule conflicts with their other commitments.

In such cases, you can take their entire Google calendar and treat all the events in it as if they were for one resource. For instance, you can show "John's Google Calendar" in the "John" resource column. This way, when you filter for "John" or check his availability on the scheduling views, you'll see his shared Google events in the same column/row as his Salesforce or Basecamp events.

Note: If you map the resource field, this feature only sets the resource of events without a value in that field. Events that have "John" in the mapped resource field will still show in John's row/column.