Custom Event Actions


Event actions allow you to modify DayBack's behavior based on user interactions with events. Unlike button actions, which trigger when a user clicks a button, or app actions, which control DayBack's loading behavior, event actions are initiated by activities such as clicking, saving, or deleting an event.

All actions are open-source, and written in JavaScript. We publish our most popular actions in a searchable extensions library. Some actions are plug-and-play, while others are more complex. Our library categorizes actions as follows:

  • Easy Install: These actions can be installed without customization.
  • Download and Customize: These actions require some editing or configuration before use.
  • Custom Integration: These actions are complex and typically require deployment by DayBack's team.

By using event actions, you can tailor DayBack to better fit your workflow and enhance your overall user experience. You can also contact us any time, as we're happy to send sample code, or point you to examples that may meet your specific need.

Uses for Event Actions

Event actions are used to change DayBack's standard behaviors. For example, if you want to verify that you have sufficient travel time between two events, you can interrupt the default save behavior before DayBack saves your event.

When a save action is intercepted, you can show a dialog to the user, make additional changes to the record, or connect to some other 3rd party service to notify a customer that a change has occurred.

Another example is that you might want to prevent the rescheduling of an event if it's too close to the event's start, or you might want to jump right to your own Salesforce page or FileMaker record instead of editing an item in the default popover. 

Example Salesforce action 

Here's a Salesforce-specific example of how you can open up the native Salesforce record when a user clicks the event instead of opening the record in DayBack's native popover:

Creating an Event Action

Creating a new action is pretty easy:

Log in to admin settings and select the source you're interested in.
Click the Actions & Buttons tab.
Click "Add New Event Action" and pick the trigger that should run your action.
Paste the code you'd like to execute where it says "URL or JavaScript". This is obviously the tricky part--writing the action itself. Don't hesitate to get in touch and ask for help (Note that you can also drag JS files into the code editor in DayBack if you'd rather compose your JavaScript functions in your own editor).
That's it.

Preventing DayBack's Default Behaviors

Each action you create in DayBack allows you to specify if the default behavior should run or not. Setting "Prevent default action" to true stops DayBack's default behavior until you decide what DayBack should do. For example, to check if a user is allowed to delete an event, set "Prevent default action" to true. Then, perform your authorization check within your action and use the following function calls based on the outcome:

  • action.callbacks.confirm(); - Processes the request (e.g., deletes the event).
  • action.callbacks.cancel(); - Ignores the request (e.g., event is not deleted).

Available Event Triggers

On Event Create

  • Actions run when a user attempts to create a new event.
  • Your code executes right before the popover renders, allowing you to interrupt the process for custom actions like opening a new browser window or navigating to a Salesforce record creation page instead. Typically, you use an On Event Create action to modify the editEvent object with default values (e.g., starting status, description, or resource). You can also prevent new event creation if the user isn't authorized to add events.
  • Setting "Prevent default action" to true stops DayBack from creating a new event and rendering of the event popover until confirmed in your code
  • See objects available in this context here.

On Event Click

  • Actions will run whenever a user clicks on an event.
  • They'll also run as soon as a new event is created, so you can also think of this trigger as an "On Popover Render" trigger.
  • Setting "Prevent default action" to true prevents the popover from rendering unless this action is confirmed in your code.
  • See objects available in this context here.

On Event Hover

On Field Change

  • Actions will run when a value is modified for a field in the popover.
  • Supported fields are Calendar, Status, Resource, Contact, and Project, along with any custom fields that you define.
  • Use the object for details of what changed.
  • Setting "Prevent default action" to true will prevent the field from being updated in the popover unless this action is confirmed in your code.
  • Fields can can also be updated within the popover using this action. See the load contact address example below.
  • See objects available in this context here.

Before Events Fetched

  • Actions will run before DayBack attempts to retrieve events for a particular calendar source.
  • Set "Prevent default action" to true to stop DayBack from fetching events for a given calendar unless this action is confirmed in your code.
  • This trigger can be used to prevent DayBack from querying for the event data so that you can trigger your own custom query to add events to the calendar:
if (event.status === ['Completed'] && action.callbacks.cancel();

// Fetch events with your own custom query and add 
// events using dbk.addEvents(eventsArray);

Before Event Rendered

  • Actions will run after DayBack has retrieved the events but before each event is drawn on the calendar. The action runs once for every event that is about to be painted. You can use this action to transform how an event is displayed, or you can even prevent the event from displaying.
  • Set "Prevent default action" to true to stop DayBack from rendering an event unless this action is confirmed in your code.
  • See objects available in this context here.

Before Event Save

  • Actions will run before changes made to an event are saved. This is the best trigger to use when you need to modify the event in some way before it is saved or if you wish to check whether the event should be saved in the first place.
  • This trigger fires when users click "Save & Close" in the event's popover or when they complete a drag-and-drop operation in the calendar.
  • Set "Prevent default action" to true to stop DayBack from continuing to save changes unless this action is confirmed in your code.
  • See objects available in this context here.

On Event Save

  • The action is triggered after DayBack processes the changes but just before the changes are written to the data store.
  • This happens after the Before Event Save trigger and after the event changes have been processed.
  • Setting "Prevent default action" to true stop DayBack from writing the changes back to the data store, but you could end your event action with code to execute the save yourself. 
  • This is useful for writing changes to an alternate place, such as cloning data to another data store or modifying the data before it is sent to the data store. For example, you may want to prevent DayBack from trying to write back to a formula field or calculated field.
  • DayBack lets users undo their changes, and your action can test for the undo property and behave differently when edits are reverted.
  • See objects available in this context here.

On Event Delete

  • The only way to trigger this action is via the "Delete" button inside DayBack's popover.
  • Like On Event Save, setting "Prevent default action" to true will stop DayBack from writing the delete back to the data store (Google or Salesforce, for example).
  • See objects available in this context here.

Enabling "Prevent Default Action" affects confirmation messages

DayBack typically displays a notification banner at the bottom of the screen when an event is saved or deleted. However, the "On Event Save" and "On Event Delete" actions can affect these notifications. If "Prevent default action" is set to true, DayBack will not show the success notification since it doesn't know if your action saved or deleted the event. You can still trigger the notification in your code using the utilities.showMessage() function.

Available Fields, Functions and Objects

Your custom event actions have access to your Salesforce or FileMaker event data so long as you have mapped these fields in your data source settings. All fields can be accessed directly from the event and editEvent objects. Common functions and configuration options can also be accessed through the seedcodeCalendar , dbk , and utilities objects. Additionally, each individual trigger offers trigger-specific objects.

Learn more about accessing event attributes, additional custom fields, as well as DayBack objects and functions available for use within your event actions.

Example Event Actions

Here are some example actions to inspire your calendar customizations. Please copy and paste these into your DayBack, and don't hesitate to reach out if you get stuck. Check out our DayBack Extensions Library for a comprehensive database of all example actions.

Prevent Resource Conflicts in Salesforce


By default, DayBack allows conflicting events. What constitutes a conflict in one calendar might differ from another. Since users can make changes in DayBack or Salesforce, conflicts can arise from either. Therefore, conflict-checking must be implemented in both platforms.

DayBack Action:

This example action fires when events are edited in DayBack. It prevents double-booking if an existing event with the same resource and overlapping times exists in Salesforce. This example can be modified for additional conflict criteria.

Salesforce Trigger / FileMaker Trigger:

This DayBack example works together with the following Salesforce triggers to prevent conflicts when events are edited in DayBack or Salesforce screens. There is also a FileMaker version available.

Trigger   Before Event Save
Script The code, a demonstration video, and details are available here: Prevent Resource Conflicts in Salesforce.
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Force Selection of a Single Resource or Status from Multi-select Lists

Use By default, events can belong to multiple resources and have multiple statuses simultaneously. This action ensures that an event can only be assigned to a single resource or status at one time. This is particularly useful in mobile environments where multi-select is the default behavior, but the field should only be set to a single value.
Trigger   On Field Change
Script forceSingleSelect.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Show only Calendar-specific Resources within the Event Popover


DayBack allows assigning events to any of your resources, but sometimes you may want to restrict an event to a specific list of resources. This action lets you specify a narrower list of assignable resources by setting tags for your resources. Tags can describe a resource's relationship to a specific calendar.

The action checks resource tags and folder names to determine applicable resources for an event. You can configure options to include or exclude entire folders of resources for a specific calendar. Here's a video explaining how this works and the tags you'll use to configure it.

Trigger   On Event Click
Script resourceListToggle.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Prevent the Opening of Event Popovers

Use By default, users can drag events to reschedule and click events to view and edit details. If you want users to drag events without viewing or editing details, you can disable the edit event popover. This one-line action effectively turns off DayBack's On Event Click behavior.
Trigger   On Event Click
Script var dummy;

Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Note that you can use this var dummy; to turn off any of the trigger actions, including turning off deletes. 

Go Directly to Salesforce Record or FileMaker Layout On Event Click


Clicking an event in DayBack opens the native event editing popover. If you prefer to edit event details directly in Salesforce, you can use a one-liner to jump to the item's Salesforce page. Alternatively, you can keep basic editing in DayBack and add a button to go to the Salesforce record.

For FileMaker, you can configure DayBack to open events in your own FileMaker layout or card window.

Trigger   On Event Click
Script fbk.publish ( "dbk.navigate" , { "url" : "/[[Id]]" , "new" : false } );
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Change an Event's Status when a Custom Checkbox is Checked


If you've mapped a custom checkbox field called meetingAttended , you can use this app action to set the event's status to "Closed" when the checkbox is checked. This is useful if users forget to manually mark events as "Closed." The Before Event Save action checks if the checkbox is marked and updates the event status accordingly.

Quick Example of how to access custom fields:

// Standard way of referring to Custom Fields by 
// numerical ID:

let meetingAttendedFlag = editEvent['1234996543210-4152637485'];

// More human-readable way to refer to a Custom Field
// by using the field name

let fieldName = dbk.getCustomFieldIdByName('meetingAttendedFlag', editEvent.schedule);

let meetingAttendedFlag = editEvent[fieldName]

if (meetingAttendedFlag == true) {
    editEvent['status'] = ['Closed'];
Trigger   Before Event Save
Script setStatusOnCheckboxChecked.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Prevent Drag and Drop from Changing an Event's Time

Use All events can be dragged and dropped to a new resource, calendar, status, or time. If users need to reassign resources by dragging and dropping without changing the event's time, use the Before Event Save trigger. This trigger lets you access an event's state before and after the drag-and-drop action, detecting changes. The following action snaps an event back to its original time if the drag-and-drop results in a time change.
Trigger   Before Event Save
function noTimeChange() {
   // drag and drop or popover edit?
   if(event.beforeDrop) {
      if(event.allDay!==event.beforeDrop.allDay || !event.start.isSame(event.beforeDrop.start) || !event.end.isSame(event.beforeDrop.end)) {
        event.allDay = event.beforeDrop.allDay;
        event.start = event.beforeDrop.start.clone();
        event.end = event.beforeDrop.end.clone();
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Create Calendar-specific Default Event Duration


DayBack has a setting for an app-wide default event duration. To change the default duration for specific calendars, use the following action. Since event actions can be unique for each calendar, you can copy and paste the code into each calendar's On Event Create action and set your default duration.

For different default durations for each resource or other resource-specific defaults, refer to our blog post on setting up default values for each resource.

Trigger   On Event Create
// Default duration is 30 min by setting the end
// time to be 30 minutes after the start time

editEvent.end = moment(editEvent.start).add(30, 'm');
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Prevent Drag and Drop for Specific Calendars


By default, DayBack allows rescheduling events using drag and drop. To prevent dragging and dropping in a specific calendar, use the following action. This action cancels the save event if it finds a beforeDrop property in the event object but confirms the save if triggered another way.

This ensures that events can only be rescheduled through other means, not by dragging and dropping.

Trigger   On Event Save
// Revert changes if the event was dragged and dropped
// otherwise, allow the Save to take place

if (event.beforeDrop) {
} else{
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Retrieve Custom URL Parameters for use in your Event Actions

Retrieve custom parameter from URL


DayBack can be loaded with special URL parameters to control its initial behavior. To pass custom URL parameters for use in event actions, use this app action to scan the URL for parameters. This is useful when loading DayBack in a FileMaker WebViewer, allowing parameter usage when creating or editing events.

For example, the following action retrieves the sessionID parameter from the URL string and assigns it to an additional field in the event object. This action runs when an event is clicked or created, as creating an event also runs the On Event Click trigger to open the new event's popover.

Trigger   On Event Click
// Gets the sessionID parameter from the URL 
// and stores it in a custom field


function getSessionID() {
  var sessionID = getUrlVars().sessionID;
  editEvent['1234996543210-4152637485'] = sessionID;

// This function retrieves all parameters from the URL
// and returns them as an object of key=value pairs

function getUrlVars() {
    var vars = {};
    var parts = location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf('#/')).replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
        vars[key] = value;
    return vars;

Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Prevent Changes to Events in the Past


By default, DayBack allows changes to historical events. To prevent this, you can make past events read-only using two app actions:

  1. On Event Click: This action dynamically makes the event popover read-only, allowing the event to be opened but not edited.
  2. Before Event Save: This action prevents past events from being dragged and dropped to a new place.

These actions ensure that historical information remains unchanged while still providing visibility into past events.

Trigger   On Event Click
Script readOnlyPastOnClick.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No
Trigger   Before Event Save
Script readOnlyPastBeforeSave.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Send Email when an Event is set to a certain Status


DayBack can send notification emails directly from Salesforce or your FileMaker server. For Google Calendar users, notifications are managed by Google settings. While DayBack doesn't communicate with email servers directly, you can use a simple action to compose an email using your computer's default email client.

For example, if you want to notify someone when an event's status is set to "On Hold," this action will automatically compose an email with the event's details, including the title, description, time, and a link to the event in DayBack.

Trigger   On Event Save
Script emailSupportOnHold.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Set a Default Event Contact for Salesforce Events

Use Salesforce has sharing rules that restrict visibility of events and tasks to their owners. To overcome this, you can set up a parent customer record and grant users permission to view records associated with this parent account. This custom event action will automatically assign a Parent Customer Record ID to all newly created events. This is one way to allow individuals to see each other’s events and tasks in Salesforce.
Trigger   On Event Create
Script setEventParentContactID.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Load Contact's Address as the Event's Location for Salesforce Events

Use Salesforce stores address information in an event's related contact record. This app action detects if a user changes the contact associated with an event and uses a SOQL query to load the contact's address into the event location field. This demonstrates how to react to user changes and interact with Salesforce records from within the event popover.
Trigger   On Field Change
Script loadContactAddress.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Disable all-day events

Use If you want to prevent all-day events from being created, this action converts all-day events into scheduled events. It sets the event to the current time slot with the default event duration specified in your DayBack settings.
Trigger   On Event Create
Script disableAllDayEvents.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Set the Default Resource for New Events to the Logged-in User


By default, newly created events are unassigned. This action automatically assigns new events to the currently logged-in user.

Since events can be assigned multiple statuses and resources, these values must be defined as arrays. For example: ['resource1', 'resource2'] . In this action, the account name from the seedcodeCalendar object is placed inside the resources array.

Read more about the information available through the seedcodeCalendar object.

This method can help set default information for events. Since you have access to the current user and the calendar, you can make decisions about other defaults you may want to set. Consider starting all your events in the 'New' status, as in the example below:

Trigger   On Event Create
// Add the creator as a resource to new events

editEvent.resource = [seedcodeCalendar.get('config').accountName];

// Set events to start off in New status

editEvent.status = ['New'];
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Define Event Dependencies and Update Related Events


For projects with multiple related events, you may want to create a linking relationship so that changes to any activity automatically cascade through the timeline, reflecting in all downstream activities. This type of relationship is called a cascading event.

This action has several configuration options, detailed in our blog post on cascading events.

Trigger   On Event Save
Script cascadingEvents.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Confirm Appointments or Collect Information in a Custom Form


DayBack allows importing any third-party JavaScript library, enabling extensive customization. This example uses the Wufoo form library to create a public booking request form in a publicly-shared calendar. Public shares can display specific views to the general public via a direct link.

This example overrides the On Event Click trigger for events in a public share. For instance, when a potential customer clicks an event in your public calendar, DayBack can display a custom form, collect the customer's information, and email both you and the customer. The Wufoo form library offers features like form validation and emailing.

Here's a short video of this in action.

Trigger   On Click
Script confirmAppointmentWuFooForm.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Validate Data Entry and Ensure All Fields are Filled In


DayBack doesn't perform specific data validation when users create or edit events, but you can easily add basic or advanced validation. This custom action specifies fields that must be filled before saving an event. If a required field is empty, a notice pops up, giving the user the option to continue editing to fill in all required fields or save with some fields empty.

Here's a video demonstrating this action in use.

Trigger   Before Event Save
Script validateFieldEntry.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Check a Resource's Capacity and Prevent Overbooking


To prevent over-scheduling certain resources, you can set up scheduling limits. This action stops an event from being saved if it causes a resource to exceed its daily event limit. Using a SOQL query to check Salesforce records directly ensures access to the full schedule, not just the user's current view.

If the change would overbook a resource, it prompts the user with an error message showing the over-capacity days and cancels the edit. This action demonstrates how to scan calendar events and make decisions based on the upcoming schedule.

Trigger   Before Event Save
Script checkResourceCapacity.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Warn a User if they are Creating Events in the Past

Use Mistakes happen, and sometimes events are accidentally scheduled in the past. This simple action prompts the user with a warning when creating an event in the past. The user can then choose to cancel or continue with the event creation.
Trigger   On Event Create
Script inThePastWarning.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Looking up a Resource ID by name (Salesforce)

Use Salesforce stores an event's resources as a list of numerical IDs. When you change a resource on an event, DayBack needs to look up the numerical ID before saving the change back to Salesforce. Previously, this required an app action, but now you can map related resources directly within the Admin settings.

Pre-filter Salesforce Events and Override Start Field when Editing (Salesforce)


By default, DayBack displays all events in your mapped Salesforce objects. To filter events, set up a calculation to determine which events to include. Map your calendar's start date to a formula field instead of the event's real start date.

Part 1 - Set Up Your Formula Field

Create a formula field in your Activity object that returns an empty date for excluded events and the real start date for included ones.


This example returns the event's start date and time but only for events belonging to the current user.

if ( $User.Id = OwnerId , If( IsAllDayEvent , DATETIMEVALUE(ActivityDate) , ActivityDateTime ) , DATETIMEVALUE('')

Here's an article that describes how to pre-filter events in Salesforce using this method.

Part 2 - Specify the Real Start Date Field

Since pre-filtering uses a calculation, DayBack can't update this field directly when scheduling changes are made within DayBack. Instead, you must add a Salesforce-specific event action to specify the actual StartDateTime field for saving changes, intercepting the On Event Save tigger, and copying the date to the real StartDateTime field.

Trigger   On Event Save
Script overrideStartEdit.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Merge information to/from Google Calendar (Salesforce)


Here are two ways you can integrate Salesforce with Google Calendar:

  • Use Salesforce data to create and pre-populate a Google Calendar event
  • Create new Salesforce records from existing Google Calendar events
Trigger   Multiple
Script Two examples here: Google Calendar Actions in Salesforce
Options Open in new window: Multiple  Prevent default action: Multiple

Push Events to Google Calendar


DayBack can push events from other calendars to Google Calendar, useful for integrating with third-party applications that interact with Google Calendar but not directly with Salesforce or DayBack.

For example, if you're using Calendly to allow customs to schedule appointments with you directly, you can block your appointment availability by cloning your schedule into a Google Calendar that Calendly checks to prevent double booking.

While this action doesn't sync with Google (changes in Google aren't brought back to other calendars), it's effective for building a Google Calendar from specific Salesforce, FileMaker, or other Google Calendar events.

Trigger   Multiple
Script Find a description and download code for the two required actions here: DayBack and Calendly
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Change behaviors when special keys are pressed

Use Keyboard shortcuts make everything easier. This pair of actions enables DayBack to listen for specific keys and lets you test for them in your custom actions. For instance, you can change the behavior of clicking an event if the "z" key is held down. DayBack already listens for shift and option keys, and the command key is reserved by the browser, so it's recommended to use "regular" keys for custom actions.
Trigger   Multiple
Script The two actions are available here: KeyDown Listener
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Probably

Remove attendees from events when duplicating (Google Calendar)


When you drag-duplicate an event with attendees (for Google and O365), you may want to avoid copying attendees to the new event or reset their "accepted" status. This action removes the attendee object entirely. You could also unset just the event acceptance by examining the properties of the event.attendees object.

Remember, app actions can be defined for all calendars or an individual calendar. Apply this action to the origin calendar, as the On Event Create fires immediately after duplication while the event is still in the original calendar.

Trigger   On Event Create
Script event.attendees = [];
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Set Default Event Duration for each Resource


By default, all your resources share the same default values, such as event duration. This app action lets you set specific default durations—or any value—for each resource. While backend triggers or formula fields can set defaults, they don't apply until the event is committed to the backend. This action adds defaults immediately as users start creating the event.

Trigger   On Event Create
Script See a video of this in action and copy the code you'll want for your own version here: Default Durations for each Resource
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Require Tags/Skills for an Event


Resource Tags are a powerful way to define skills or attributes for your resources, useful when creating events requiring specific skills. This action checks an event's custom fields for a list of required skills. If a user tries to assign a resource lacking the necessary skills, they receive a warning message. Required tags/skills must be specified as a comma-separated list in a custom field. Configure this action to check this field against your resource's tags.

Trigger   Before Event Save
Script You can see this action at work towards the end of the video introducing resource tags. You'll find the code for his action here: eventRequiresTags.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: Yes

Specify a default popover drawer at the root calendar level

Use The available Google and Microsoft 365 calendars are unique to each authenticated user. DayBack currently supports setting a default popover drawer at the individual calendar level. This action allows you to specify the default popover drawer at the root calendar level, making it effective for all Google or Microsoft 365 calendars for everyone.
Trigger   On Event Click
Script DefaultPopoverDrawerRootLevel.js
Options Open in new window: No  Prevent default action: No

Coding Your Own Actions

We recommend using our App Action Starter Template to create custom actions. The template offers graceful error handling and features for running actions for specific users. If using our template, use confirmCallback() or cancelCallback() instead of action.callback.confirm() and action.callback.cancel() to leverage the template's timeout handling features should your app action take too long to run. Most of our examples use this template, allowing you to learn by modifying sample code.

Coding Recommendations

Using a Code Editor

We recommend using a code editor like Visual Studio Code for editing your actions. This allows you to keep a backup of your code.

Keep Two Tabs Open

Additionally, keep two tabs open: one for your Administrative settings to work on JavaScript code, and another for the calendar to test your changes. If you make a mistake, switch back to the first tab and press Ctrl-Z to undo the last change.

Troubleshooting Custom Actions

If your app action prevents DayBack from loading, you will see a continual blue loading stripe at the top of the screen. To disable a broken action:

  1. Click your browser's reload button 
  2. Quickly hold down the shift key and wiggle your mouse around
  3. This will return you to the administrative settings so that you can disable and fix the broken app action

If you run into trouble with your actions you may wish to check your javascript console for any errors. If the cause of the problem isn't obvious to you, please take a screenshot of what appears in the console and send it to our support team. We'd be glad to help you resolve the problem. 

More Resources for Custom Actions

Learning Resources

Sandbox for Testing

Custom actions provide an excellent environment for experimenting with new code and testing queries. For example, check out how DayBack's Jason Young uses custom actions to console log query results in Testing SOQL Queries in DayBack Calendar.

Draft Mode

For testing App Actions or Event Actions, we recommend using Draft Mode. This mode allows you to make custom changes what are only active for your user session. This mode is great for testing code changes without affecting other users. Drafts and be saved, disabled, reenabled, and then applied to production when your code changes are ready for production user.