Resource Attributes- Tags, Skills, and Locations


Resources are anything in your business that can be over-scheduled: people, trucks, rooms, or even business processes. These form the columns or rows of DayBack's resource scheduling grids.

Sometimes you need to know more about a resource than simply the name. You may need to know their skill set or example, for example. And you may have so many resources that you need to filter them based on things like skill or location. This article describes the kinds of attributes available for describing resources: you can then use these attributes to filter your list of resources or to style resources, showing icons when they have a particular skill, for example.

Note that you can fill in this information by hand, or automate the creation of resources by pulling this information from Salesforce or FileMaker.

Resource attributes are also available to custom actions so that you can refer to these attributes when customizing how DayBack behaves. For example, you might want to give an event a default duration when it's assigned to a particular resource.

While only admins can edit resources, all users are able to see a read-only version of the resource popover, showing the resources' description and tags. Here are the attributes available for resources AND for resource folders. Everything outside of the "Name" is optional.


This is the name of the person or asset being scheduled. It should match exactly with the name recorded in your events or appointments. A given name can be in more than one folder--appearing in the resource list more than once. So you may have a person in a folder based on their location, and in another folder based on who they report to. (See "folders" below.) You can filter on the resource name.

Short Name

This should be an abbreviation of the resource's name. When the resource columns get very narrow--because you have a small monitor or are showing a lot of resources--DayBack will display the short name instead of the resource name. Short names are not available for resource folders (you don't need them), and you can not filter on the resource short name.


Use this to record details about the resource that you'd like to see in the resource list. You can enter as much text as you'd like, but you'll only see the first two lines in the resource list. You can filter on the contents of this field, but don't forget that you can also filter on tags (below), so you don't need to put every fact about a resource in here.

If you have a lot of resources and don't want to sacrifice the vertical space for a description, you can hide the description in the resource list, but keep it in the resource popover by adding this CSS: 

.resource-list .list-selector-child .description {
   display: none !important;
Descriptions hidden this way can still be used to filter resources. The code above only removes the description for resources, leaving any descriptions you've added to folders. If you'd like to remove the description from folders also, remove .list-selector-child from the code.


Folders as a quick way to select and filter resources. When you click on a folder, all the resources inside it are selected. You can also attach actions to clicking on a folder, such as changing the calendar's timezone when specific resource folders are selected.

Click "Create Folder" at the bottom of the filters sidebar to make new filters; they'll then be available in the filters drop-down when you're editing or creating resources. Drag resources to re-order them within the same folder. You can't drag a resource into a new folder: you'll want to edit the resource and manually select the folder.


Add a single CSS class to your resource or folder to add styles and icons to resources or resource folders. Note that your class name is prefixed with "dbkcustom-" and special characters are removed: you'll see the resulting class name to the right of the class label. So if you enter "red leader!" as a class, the actual class name you'd use in your CSS is "dbkcustom-red-leader"


Tags are one of the most powerful resource attributes. Enter a comma-separated list of tags and they'll show up in the order entered. You can use tags to filter resources based on their skill, location, or certifications. 

Since DayBack's custom actions can also see tags, you can use tags to record a resource's default duration, rate, or any other attribute you'd need access to in your customizations. Here's an example action that compares an event's required tags with those in the resources assigned to it: require tags for an event.

Note that tags support emoji: just paste them in. Be sure to add a space between the emoji and any text in the same tag. Without that space, you won't be able to filter for the tag name: you can't filter on the emoji names ☹️. 

If you'd like to really style and differentiate your tags, check out this article on styling resources. You'll learn how to color tags, add icons to them, and how to add icons to resources (and folders) wherever they appear.