
Almost all updates to the new DayBack for FileMaker 19 are made on our servers and don't require any changes in your FileMaker file. But occasionally we'll want to change something in the FileMaker file and here is where you'll find instructions for those changes.

Version 19.06

Overview. April 10, 2023

This update adds the following:

Who Needs to Make These Changes

You want to take advantage of Unscheduled Items or experience an issue listed above and the BuildNumberCalc field on your DayBackHelper table is earlier than 19.06


The first change is in the script "Find Events - DayBack". If you haven't modified this script, you can just copy the entire contents from the update file and replace the contents of the same script in your file. If you have modified it, here are the steps to update without affecting your customizations:

  1. Find the Set Variable [ $select... step on line 42 in the update file and replace the same line in your file.
  2. Copy lines 143-175 in the file and paste these just before the "# close helper window if it's there" line in your file.

The second change is in the script "Create Edit Delete Events - DayBack". It is likely you have modified this script, so here are the steps to update without affecting your customizations:

  1. On each of your calendar tables (tables with events), create a new Number type field called "Unscheduled"
  2. Copy lines 276-290 in the file and paste these just before the "# ADDITIONAL FIELDS" line in your file.

There are also a couple of updates to the web viewer on the DayBack layout.

Important note: If you've modified the contents of your web viewer to add your groupToken, settingsToken, or values for automatically logging in FileMaker users, you'll want to backup your web viewer calculation first so that you can copy these back into the updated web viewer calculation after the update.

  1. Edit the DayBack layout in the update file and double-click on the web viewer to enter the setup. Click the "Specify" button to modify the calculation.
  2. Select and copy the entire contents of the calculation.
  3. Close this editor and open the web viewer calculation in your own file.
  4. Replace the entire contents of the web viewer with the contents in your clipboard.
  5. Optional: If you've backed up your previous web viewer calculation, now is the time to copy your customizations to the baseParameters (tokens, FileMaker user info) back into your web viewer calculation.

Finally, update the BuildNumberCalc field on your DayBackHelper table to read "19.06"

Version 19.05

Overview. January 15, 2021

This update fixes an error seen in WebDirect when an active source had no events in the query date.

It also fixes an issue where event modifications sometimes wouldn't automatically update on the calendar.

Who Needs to Make These Changes

You're using DayBack in WebDirect AND The version number in the script "Find Events - DayBack" or "Process Web Direct Log - DayBack" reads "19.0" 


The first change is in the script "Find Events - DayBack".

1. Find the Set Variable [ $payload... step near line 47 with a comment above "# Format as JSON Array and return". In the Value calculation for that step, replace the line:

["recordCount" ; JSONGetElement ( $result ; "response.dataInfo.returnedCount" ); JSONNumber];


["recordCount" ; $recordCount; JSONNumber];

2. In the comment block at the top of the script, change the Version from 19.0 to 19.05

The second change is in the script "Process Web Direct Log - DayBack".

3. Find the Set Variable [ $$DBK_Parameter... step near line 46 and change the Value to "$parameter" so it looks like this:

Set Variable [$$DBK_Parameter; Value: $parameter]

4. In the comment block at the top of the script, change the Version from 19.0 to 19.05

5. Open the field definitions for your DayBackHelper table and change your build number to 19.05

That's it. =)

Version 19.04

Overview. July 23, 2020

We've sped up the way DayBack queries your file for information about your tables and fields. You'll notice a speed improvement if your file has lots of table occurrences from the tables that store DayBack events AND you've embedded DayBack in your file instead of linking it.

Who Needs to Make These Changes

You've embedded DayBack in your file and have several table occurrences from the tables that store DayBack events. For example, you have a table called "Appointments" and have dozens of instances of Appointments hanging off various tables in your graph: Contact_Appointments, Project_Appointments, etc.


The build number of your file reads 19.03 (you can find this version number in the DayBackHelper table's field definitions). OR you added DayBack as an add-on and your build number reads "19.04" but the version number in the script "Get File Config - DayBack" reads "19.0" 


There are just two FileMaker scripts that have changed and neither is a script you'll have edited. You'll replace the contents (all the steps) of each script completely.

1. Download the update file which contains the two scripts you'll change.

2. Backup your DayBack file (really).

3. Open the update you downloaded and open the script "Get File Config - DayBack". Select all the script steps and copy them.

4. Open the same script in your copy of DayBack and select all your script steps. Delete them all. Then paste in the script steps you copied from the updater. The script version should now read 19.04

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the script "Get Layout Table - DayBack". Ignore the subscripts in the update file--they're only there so the references in these two scripts don't break.

6. Open the field definitions for your DayBackHelper table and change your build number to 19.04

That's it. =)

Version 19.03

This was the first release of DayBack for FileMaker 19.