
If something doesn't look right, please get in touch. If you like getting your hands dirty and would like to dig into this yourself, we hope the following walkthroughs will help.

Note that there isn't much to set up for Google or Basecamp sources, so not much can go wrong. Salesforce and FileMaker data sources have a lot of options, though, so you'll see common issues for those sources below.

General Troubleshooting

I see two of each event

If you've created any App Actions, ensure that the action's "Prevent Default Action" attribute is set correctly. If this is set to "NO" and your action uses action.callbacks.confirm(); , you're telling DayBack to render the calendar twice.

Times down the left-hand side are all random, like 10:08

Visit "Time Scales" in the left-hand sidebar of Admin Settings. Check if you've entered an unusual time in settings like "earliest time visible." These values should be in the HH:MM format, such as 06:00:00 for 6 am. Entering a time like 06:07:00 can cause odd results.

I see "DayBack is Loading" on my Windows machine

This issue occurs with older versions of FileMaker for Windows. Ensure you have FileMaker 19.3.1 or later to use DayBack. Updating to the latest version should resolve this problem.

The column headers in resource pivot views don't line up with the columns

This can happen if your browser is zoomed in or out (not at 100% zoom) in a Chromium-based browser (Chrome, the new Edge). These browsers sometimes zoom table headers differently from the table body, causing misalignment. We'll address this in a future DayBack update. In the meantime, adjust your system-wide scaling or use a different browser (Safari, Firefox) if you need a more zoomed-in view.

I see a red "Malformed Query Object" at the bottom of the screen

This error can occur if DayBack's field mapping is incomplete when setting up a new calendar. Finish your field mapping to resolve the error. It can also appear if you've accidentally created a new calendar. If this is the case, here's how to delete that unnecessary calendar:

Troubleshooting in Salesforce

Unable to Authorize DayBack

If you are logged in with a role other than System Administrator, your user privileges may not include authorizing new apps. In this case, ask a System Administrator for help.

If you are a System Administrator, Salesforce might be confused between your single-sign-on and sandbox logins. To resolve this, change the Connected App settings to pre-authorize by profile, bypassing the authorization step. Instructions on how to manage connected apps can be found here under "Authorizing Users".

"Frowny Face" on DayBack Tab in your Org

This is likely due to your network blocking the domain. To confirm, try opening in your browser. If you don't see a login page, your network is blocking the domain. Ask your IT department to "whitelist"

Progress Indicator Keeps Going, and Items Don't Show Up in the Calendar

This issue usually occurs when something in your field mapping isn't pointing to a field in your Salesforce table. Commonly, this happens when you've mapped to a custom field but haven't used the Salesforce name for the field. Custom fields in Salesforce have a suffix __c (e.g., SomeText__c ), and you should use this name in your field mapping.

Unable to Create or Edit Campaigns in DayBack

Modifying campaigns requires the user to have the "Marketing User" permission. Visit your permissions in Setup and check if "Marketing Users" is enabled. If not, ask your Salesforce admin to turn this privilege on for you.

System Administrators Can See Only Some Events

Salesforce imposes certain restrictions on the visibility of shared calendars. Specifically, the 'Related To' and/or 'Name' field must be completed, or the Activity will be deemed Private regardless of other sharing settings. For example, even if a user shares their calendar with 'Full Access,' all events that are not associated with another record will be Private. For more details, see Salesforce documentation on calendar sharing.

"Assigned To ID: Owner cannot be left blank" Warning

This warning appears when dragging an item to the "none" column in resource scheduling. It occurs because the field you've mapped to Resource does not accept blank values. For example, the "Owner" field used by default for Events, Tasks, and Campaigns. To use the "none" column, you can map your resource field to a field that accepts blank values.

"Bad Value For Restricted Picklist Field" Message

This warning means that the value set is not a valid option in your picklist. However, if the value shown is just the first letter of the value you chose, this is usually caused by the picklist being mapped to two writeable fields in DayBack. To fix this, make sure the picklist is only mapped to one field in the DayBack popover.

Because some fields, like Resource and Status, expect an array of values, mapping that same field to a custom field will cause the value to be converted to an array, and only the first value will be sent to Salesforce.

Operation Failed: there was an error trying to connect to Salesforce" Message

This error on Salesforce mobile, especially after updating your device, is due to an issue in the Salesforce mobile app. Log out of the Salesforce mobile app and log back in to correct the problem.

"Operation Failed: There was an error saving the event ... John Smith is not a valid Owner Name" Message

This error occurs when you've manually added a Resource that is not a valid Salesforce User. The Event object's Resource field is mapped to Owner.Name , which can only contain Salesforce Users. Either create this Resource as a Salesforce User or map the field to a custom text field that can store any text value as a resource name. For more details, see the documentation on mapping resource fields in Salesforce.

"Salesforce Error: Total requests Limit Exceeded (REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)" Message

This error occurs when DayBack or another Salesforce application exceeds the allowed API requests for your organization. This limit is typically difficult to exceed unless you have many users or frequent API requests. If DayBack is causing the problem, it may be due to a misconfigured custom app action that may be stuck in a loop. Your Salesforce Admin can view the API calls in the past 24 hours to assess the issue by running the API Usage report with details enabled. Here is a document explaining API request limits.

To restore temporary operation while assessing the problem, contact Salesforce support for a temporary increase in the API request limit. If a DayBack custom app action is causing the problem, grant us temporary access, and we will investigate.

"You don't have permission to view application DayBack"

This permissions issue at the connected/canvas app or VisualForce level is resolved in Salesforce permissions.

The error occurs when DayBack is set to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized," but the user's profile or custom permissions haven't been added for the DayBack Connected App or VisualForce page.

This can happen at the Visualforce page level (less common) or the Connected app level (more common). The error message will specify which one. In the screenshot above, it says the "Canvas application [DayBack]", which is the DayBack Connected App, otherwise it will say the "Visualforce page [DayBack]."

For the Connected app, go to Apps > DayBack > Manage and specify the profiles there. For the Visualforce page, go to Visualforce Pages > DayBack > Security and specify the profiles there.

Troubleshooting Microsoft 365

Red Message: "REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox"

If you see this message at the bottom of the screen, it means that the Office 365 REST API is not supported in your Office 365 group. DayBack uses the REST API to query your event data.

To enable the REST API for your Office 365 group, refer to the Office 365 support documentation here.

Troubleshooting Basecamp

I have multiple Basecamp accounts, and DayBack connects to the wrong one/h4>

DayBack automatically authenticates with the Basecamp account you're logged into in the browser. If you need to use a different login, follow these steps:

  1. Deauthorize Basecamp in DayBack.
  2. Log out of Basecamp in your browser.
  3. Reauthenticate with Basecamp in DayBack, choosing the correct account.

If you usually see multiple Basecamp launchpads (accounts) when logging into Basecamp, DayBack might have trouble determining which launchpad you want to use. Unfortunately, Basecamp3's API automatically returns the first active account in your launchpad list during authentication, and there is currently no way to select a different one through the API.

To resolve this, you can remove access to the other launchpads for your Basecamp account, so only the desired one is showing. However, we don't have information on Basecamp's plans to expand their API, so our capabilities are limited by its current functionality.

Troubleshooting FileMaker

DayBack Error Messages

The DBk_JSON field is a required calculated field in your FileMaker table that compiles event data for DayBack. This error indicates that a referenced related field cannot be retrieved from the context of DBk_JSON . Possible causes include:

  • The related field does not exist in your event table.
  • The relationship to the related table does not exist.
  • The evaluation context of the DBk_JSON field is set to a different table than the one specified in the DayBack calendar settings. See evaluation context (see step 7) for more details.

DayBack cannot get the value of the field

This error means that a field by that name does not exist in the context of the calendar's defined table occurrence. Validate your field mapping to ensure all fields are correct.

This event can't be opened because the id field is empty

This error usually means that the field you've mapped for the ID is correct but doesn't contain a value. It may also mean that some disabled fields are still mapped. To resolve this:

  • Ensure the field mapped to ID is set to an auto-enter calculation. DayBack doesn't automatically assign a value to the ID field, so this must be done on the FileMaker side.
  • Make sure any disabled fields are unmapped (set to a blank value instead of a real field).

Can't find a mapped field or custom field

If your setup passes field validation in DayBack but you still see this error, check the following:

  • Ensure any disabled fields are unmapped (set to a blank value instead of a real field).
  • Confirm that the context selected for your DBk_JSON calc field is the same table occurrence name as the table occurrence name specified for this calendar in DayBack settings under "Calendar Info".
  • Ensure the table occurrence name in DayBack settings "Calendar Info" is the same in both files if DayBack is linked (vs embedded) or if the data is in another file. Your local table occurrence and original table occurrence should have the same name.

Cannot set the field: DBk_Timestamp...

This error indicates that DayBack wasn't able to set this field in find mode on the calendar source's specified layout. Possible causes include:

  • The layout specified doesn't have Quick Find enabled, doesn't allow entering a value into the specified field, or has script triggers interfering with DayBack scripts to query the data. Your layout should not have any script triggers and doesn't need to have any fields on it. You can reference the "Sample Events" layout in the stock DayBack file for setup guidelines.
  • The FileMaker scripting engine may have encountered an issue and needs to be restarted. This is usually the case if you receive the same error on multiple calendars. Restart the scripting engine by stopping and starting the database server or by using the following command line prompts to restart just the scripting engine on the server:
fmsadmin stop fmse
fmsadmin start fmse

FileMaker Errors when Editing events

DayBack forwards any FileMaker errors encountered to the user in the calendar. Here are the most common errors and how to address them:

Error 102

  • Error Message: Field is missing.
  • Cause: DayBack is trying to write your event back to FileMaker but can't find one of the fields it needs.
  • Solution: This is probably because one of the fields you've specified in field mapping was renamed or deleted. Verify that all fields specified in field mapping still exist and are correctly named.

Error 103

  • Error Message: Relationship is missing.
  • Cause: The table occurrence names for your calendar source do not match the ones selected in DayBack's settings.
  • Solution: Double-check to ensure the table occurrence names for your calendar source match the ones selected in DayBack's settings under the Calendar Info tab. Your table occurrence may have been renamed.

Error 201

  • Error Message: Field Can't Be Modified.
  • Cause: One or more fields mapped in field mapping are not writable (e.g., they are calculation fields).
  • Solution: Make sure all fields mapped in field mapping are writable. If you are using a calculated field for any of those fields, try changing it to a Text field and set it up to auto-enter a calculated value instead. The most common cause of 201 errors is mapping a calculated field to the event Summary. Ensure the field mapped there is editable. If you need to map to a calculated field, follow the instructions provided here.

Other common issues

DayBack Won't Load (Blue loading bar across top)

If you see the blue loading bar but no calendar, try the following FileMaker scripts:

  1. Go to Admin Settings - DayBack: This will take you to admin settings and reset the web viewer.
  2. Sign Out - DayBack: Signs you out and takes you back to the sign-in page. More details: how to sign out with a FileMaker Script.

If the loading problem persists, it may be due to custom app actions that are not functioning correctly. To bypass them:

  1. Close the FileMaker file.
  2. Re-open it while holding down the shift key and moving the mouse back and forth as you arrive at the calendar layout. This will take you straight to DayBack settings where you can turn off your app action by unchecking the box next to "Action enabled for" below the action.

I'm seeing two of each event

If you've created any app actions, check that the action's "Prevent Default Action" is set correctly. If it's set to NO and your action is using action.callbacks.confirm(); , you are essentially telling DayBack to render the calendar twice.

No events showing (for one or more sources)

The most common cause of events not showing up is that you have filters applied and no events match those filters. If you're filtering for a particular status, calendar, or resource and then create a new appointment with a different status, that event will disappear since it doesn't match the filters you have in place. Clicking "Clear filters" at the bottom of DayBack's filters tab in the left-hand sidebar will bring these events back if that's the case. If that doesn't help, try the following:

  1. Double Check Your Field Mapping:
    • Go to admin settings and select the calendar you're interested in.
    • On the Calendar Info tab, click "Validate Layout" and "Validate Table Occurrence".
    • Click on the Field Mapping tab and scroll all the way down: click "Validate Field Mapping," correcting any issues you see.
  2. Check for Calculation Fields that are Commented Out:
    • When copying the required calculation fields to your file, if your table doesn't have one or more of the referenced fields, FileMaker will comment them out with a /* at the beginning and a */ at the end of the calculation. You'll need to remove these comment markers and then update all of the referenced fields to point to the appropriate fields in your file.
  3. Mapped Date Field is Empty:
    • DayBack will only show an event on the calendar that has a valid start date. Make sure your events have a date set in the field you've mapped to the start date in DayBack.
  4. Incorrect Contact or Project Table Occurrence Names:
    • If your events are linked to contacts/projects AND your events table is in a different file than the file DayBack is in, ensure the contact and project table occurrence names in DayBack are the same names those table occurrences have in your events file. If you change the table occurrence names in DayBack, be sure to change the names used in Field Mapping and Related records. More details here: Setting up Contacts & Projects.

The event popover is blank

There is a known issue with FileMaker web viewers on Mac. If you maximize or restore the window, you'll need to reload the web viewer or change layouts for the web viewer to resume working correctly.

My events don't show in WebDirect, but they do in FileMaker client

  1. Update Your Scripts: Ensure your scripts are updated to the latest build. Check for updates:
  2. SQL Query with Spaces in Table Occurrence: If your table occurrence has spaces, quote the table in the SQL query used for WebDirect. Near line 49 of the "Find Events - DayBack" script, where the $select variable is set, wrap $table in the Quote function:
"SELECT DBk_JSON FROM " & Quote ( $table ) & " WHERE " & $where & " ORDER BY " & $sort

Event doesn't update on the calendar when saving and closing from my own event detail layout in WebDirect

The behavior in WebDirect has changed since DayBack was first created. A small script update is required:

On line 55 of the "Close And Update Event - DayBack" script, change the line from:

Else If [ Get ( SystemPlatform ) ≠ 4 ]

to just:


Linked Contacts or Project details don't consistently show in the popover

This issue can occur if there are no records or more than one record on the DayBack layout, especially if there are references related to this layout. There should only be one record on the DayBack layout. To prevent this, you can:

  1. Add a custom menu set with the "Records" menu removed.
  2. Apply it to the layouts based on the DayBack table occurrence.

This will prevent the DayBack record from being unintentionally deleted or additional records added.

Fields for linked Contact or Project name aren't from the table I want

DayBack can only show fields from one related table at a time. If you have multiple tables related to the same key field in your event table, DayBack may not show the table you're expecting. It's best to create a new Table Occurrence for your events that is only used for DayBack. This way, you'll have only one relationship connected to your Contact and Project key fields.

For more details, see the docs on mapping Contacts and Projects.

Some of my events don't show in public shares

This can occur if multiple events have the same ID value. This is typically due to the incorrect ID field being mapped on the calendar source. To resolve this, check your field mapping for the calendar source to ensure it points to the correct ID field and that the field is set to have unique values.

Windows and High DPI Screens

On Windows systems with smaller screens and high DPI (resolution), the calendar text and objects may appear very small and unreadable. Here are a few options to address this issue:

  1. Zoom In Using Browser Controls: Since web viewers are rendered as web pages, they have a separate zoom mechanism from FileMaker's zoom. You can zoom into the calendar using Ctrl + scroll (or + and - ). This will not affect other FileMaker objects and is the easiest way to make calendar objects render at a higher scale without enlarging the Event Detail window too much.
  2. Adjust Windows DPI Scaling: Increasing the system-wide Windows DPI scaling will affect all applications. This is a more global solution but may be useful if you frequently encounter this issue across different apps. For instructions on adjusting the Windows DPI scaling, visit: Windows DPI Scaling.
  3. Custom CSS for High DPI Screens: Add the following to your CSS to adjust the zoom for Windows devices with high DPI screens:
  @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.8),
  only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 18/10),
  only screen and (min-resolution: 180dpi)

This will only apply to Windows devices with screens showing 180dpi (dots per inch) or higher. You may need to modify the DPI settings (1.8, 18/10, 180dpi) to get the right criteria for when to zoom or not.

  • For example, on a 40" 4k screen, DayBack looks great by default, so you don't want to resize on that screen (dpi: 110).
  • An 11" 1080p screen has a dpi of 200, so you might want to zoom in.

Adjusting these values will require some trial and error to find the right number.

Server Timeout in WebDirect

In WebDirect, DayBack submits a request using Perform Script On Server (PSOS) to modify an event. Although technically asynchronous, the client needs to know when the update has been completed to properly update the event on the calendar. This check is performed in the "Process Web Direct Log - DayBack" script.

If your server takes longer to process these event updates, you may receive an error or not see the "Saved" confirmation after modifying an event. On line 17 of the script, there is an If statement that limits the check to 20 retries. If you're encountering this issue, you could try increasing this value to allow for more retries.

However, if you need to significantly increase this value, it is likely that there are script triggers on your file that are running unnecessarily for every PSOS request. These triggers cause the requests to be very slow because each one starts its own session, similar to opening the file.

To improve the performance of these PSOS requests, you can escape any unnecessary script steps when running on the server using the following:

Patterncount ( Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ; “Server” )

This condition helps identify when the script is being run on the server and allows you to bypass steps that are not needed in this context. By optimizing the script for server execution, you can reduce the delay and improve the overall performance of event updates in WebDirect.

Troubleshooting FileMaker Server (FileMaker CWP Sources)


The troubleshooting information below is for administrators configuring DayBack. Most of this involves examining the results of tests you can run to review your configuration. You'll find this test towards the bottom of the Source Settings screen once you've selected your source:

General Improvements

FileMaker Web Publishing pulls data from every field on your layout, even though DayBack only needs some of the fields in your table. To speed up your queries and reduce the possibility of bad data being sent to DayBack, ensure that the layout specified in DayBack admin's Source Settings contains only the fields DayBack requires.

Common Problems

My server settings test aren't doing anything

If you click "Test Source Settings" and don't get any results, it is likely because DayBack can't see your FileMaker Server at all. Check that the server address is correct and that XML Web Publishing is enabled for your server.

My server settings test are failing

Important: Instructions related to the PHP Relay file are only necessary for older versions of FileMaker. If you have FileMaker 19 or higher, go here for instructions on setting up your calendar, which works in FileMaker client and in the browser through WebDirect.

  • Orange Failed Icon for PHP Relay File
    • If you get an orange failed icon for the PHP Relay file, this likely means your PHP relay file isn't there or is in the wrong place. It could also mean that PHP isn't running on your FileMaker Server.
  • Orange Failed Icon for DayBack Account Not Existing in PHP Relay File
    • This likely means that you have set the variable $loginByName to true in the PHP relay file, and there is not a match for the DayBack account in the if statement to determine the correct FileMaker account.
  • Orange Failed Icon for FileMaker File
    • There are a few things to check. Begin by testing to make sure XML web publishing is running. You can do this by manually typing the following into your browser, replacing "serverAddress" with the server address you entered in DayBack's configuration:
      • https://serverAddress/fmi/xml/FMPXMLRESULT.xml?-dbnames
    • If you get results in the test above and see your file listed but got "0" or "1" byte downloaded in your test details, then your PHP relay file is in the wrong place. Double-check that the location is one of the ones listed here in "Where does the file go?" You can test that you have the relay in the correct location by entering this URL:
      • https://serverAddress/fmxjRelay.php?test=true
    • That should return the phpinfo on your server if the relay is in the right spot and PHP is running. Remember, if you connect to over HTTPS and your PHP relay/fmserver is only on HTTP, you will get an error that it couldn't connect to the PHP relay file. DayBack doesn't support HTTP connections, which means that you will need to ensure that your relay file is hosted over HTTPS and connects to .
    • Tip: If you're not getting the correct expected output, such as a file not found or a 500 error, try replacing your PHP relay file with the downloaded, untouched version. If that works, then your PHP service is functioning correctly. Make sure you've used a plain text editor, as mentioned in our docs here. Also, verify that there aren't any commas or quotes accidentally deleted where the file was edited.
    • Once you're getting more than 1 byte returned in test details or results at the URL above, you'll have the PHP relay file in the right place and can make sure the rest of your configuration is correct. If the URL tests above are passing but you still can't get the PHP file to work, AND you're using "localhost" in your PHP file, it could be that your server/hosting provider has settings preventing that: try replacing "localhost" with your server IP address.
    • Check the test details to see, for example, that the filename you entered is one of the file names on your server. Also, only files with XML web publishing enabled show up, so make sure it's enabled for your file.
    • Same thing with layouts: check the test details to see which layouts DayBack can see in your FileMaker file. It's likely that your spelling is wrong (remember that these entries are case-sensitive).

My server settings test passed, but I can't see any events

  • If you have green lights on your tests but no events, check the fields mapped to the TimestampNum Calc Start and TimestampNum Calc End fields. Ensure these calcs are defined to return numbers. Note that if you paste in our example field definition, you need to point parts of the Let statements at your own date and time fields: double-check that you picked the right fields from your table.
  • The TimeStampNum Calc End field is required to be mapped, even if you've disabled it in the settings. If you don't enter a valid field, you will receive the following error when loading the calendar: "There was an error retrieving FileMaker events: 4 - Command is unknown."
  • If you continually see the 3 loading dots in the calendar header, make sure that the FileMaker user assigned in the PHP relay file has access to view all the fields on the source's layout. This includes fields on the layout that are not used for DayBack Online and any hidden fields that may be off to the side of the layout. If those fields are necessary for a user interface, it's probably best to create a new layout specifically for DayBack Online.

I can see some events, but they're all on the wrong date or for multiple days

This likely means that your TimestampNum Calc Start and TimestampNum Calc End fields are returning numbers, but the calcs themselves aren't correct, or only one of them is (only the start or end calc).

I can see bars for my events but no text

Double-check the field mapped to Event display calc and make sure it's returning a value on your FileMaker layout.

None of my events have any colors

You'll see event colors when the values in the field you've mapped to "Status" match the values in the calendar's Status Filters (these are on the Filters tab of the calendar sidebar).

If you do not see colors, it's because the field you've mapped doesn't contain one of the status values in the sidebar.

Error codes when editing events

Below are a few tips for troubleshooting error codes you might see when dragging events around or editing them.

Error 102

Error 102 means a "field is missing." DayBack Online is trying to write your event back to FileMaker but can't find one of the fields it needs. This is probably because one of the fields you've mapped got removed from the layout you specified, or the field got deleted from your table.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Return to Source Settings and re-run the tests towards the bottom of the page to see which field(s) might be missing.
  2. Revisit the layout you specified (probably "Source No 1" if you're using DayBack for FileMaker) and make sure the fields are mapped correctly to fields in your table.

Error 201

"Field Can't Be Modified." This error indicates that the fields you mapped are not writable, meaning they are calculation fields. Of the fields DayBack Online asks for, only the three with "calc" in the name may be calculated fields.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Change any calc fields used for other mappings to Text fields and set them up to auto-enter a calculated value instead.
  2. Ensure the account set up in the PHP relay uses a privilege set with write privileges to all the fields you mapped.

Error 500

"There was an error saving the event, and your changes will be reverted: 500 - Date value does not meet validation entry options." This likely means that the Date Format in your Source Settings doesn't match that in your file.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Ensure the format in Source Settings is in all capital letters like MM/DD/YYYY .
  2. Click on "Test Source Settings" then "Show Test Details" and find the date format of your file under "Fields Available on Layout..." It should look like this:
    • "DATEFORMAT": "MM/dd/yyyy"
  1. Make sure the settings entered into DayBack are the uppercase version of the format you find here.

Error 959

Error 959 indicates that a dependent technology has been disabled on the FileMaker Server. DayBack Online depends on XML and PHP web publishing technologies. Starting in FileMaker 17, XML and PHP web publishing must be enabled using the command-line interface.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Enable XML and PHP web publishing on FileMaker 17+ using the instructions in FileMaker's docs: Enable XML and PHP Web Publishing

Error 8003

Error 8003 occurs when the event record you are trying to modify is locked for editing in FileMaker. This means someone else is actively modifying that event record.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Revert the changes.
  2. Refresh the calendar to ensure you see the most recent data before attempting to edit that event again.

None of that helped? Please get in touch.