Multiple FileMaker Sources

"A man with two watches never knows what time it is."  - Chinese Proverb

... and a great reason to get all your dates in one calendar!

Show Records from Multiple FileMaker Tables in the Same Calendar

Traditionally, a FileMaker portal displays records from a single table occurrence, although it can include fields from other related tables. DayBack, however, allows you to combine events from completely unrelated tables, each treated as a separate "source" for the calendar. For example, you might have one table for events like follow-up calls or meetings and another table for jobs. Both of these tables can be set up as separate calendars in DayBack, allowing you to view them individually or together. (DayBack for FileMaker comes with two example sources: "Sample Events" and "To-Do List.")

You can also create multiple sources within the same table. For instance, if you have both a job due date and a follow-up date within your jobs table, you could create these as two separate calendar sources.

You can view a list of your available sources by selecting the "Calendars" tab in DayBack's left-hand sidebar. Administrators can create new sources under Admin Settings > Sources.

How does the calendar decide which source to use for a new event?

There’s a setting that designates a default source for new events. If that source isn’t visible, DayBack will suggest the first editable source. More details on this process can be found here: creating events.

Creating a new FileMaker source

To add a new source, start by adding DayBack’s six required fields to the table(s) with the dates you want to display on your calendar. You can copy these fields from DayBack’s example table: SampleEvents_DayBack .

After pasting the fields into your file, you may need to edit some calculations. Instructions for this can be found here: Copy & Paste Six Required Fields.

To create a new source, administrators should go to the "Settings" tab on the calendar's sidebar and click "Administrator Settings." In the admin screen, select "Calendar Sources" from the left-hand side, click "FileMaker Server" to view existing sources, and click the button to create a new one.

Follow the on-screen instructions to map your new source to DayBack, just as you did during the initial calendar integration.