Creating Events

Making new events is simple

Double click on any empty area in the calendar. You'll see a green button to make a new event.  

How can I create events for a specific source?

If you have multiple sources in the calendar, DayBack follows a simple rule to determine in which source a new event is created:

Set a Default Source:

  • Administrators can set a default source for new events by clicking on the "gear" icon beside the calendar source in the Calendar section of the sidebar.

Determining the Source for New Events:

  • If only one source is visible (enabled in the Sources tab), the event is created in that source.
  • If multiple sources are visible and the default source is among them, the default source is used.
  • If multiple sources are visible and the default source is NOT among them, the event is created in the first visible source that is not read-only.

Can I make event records from outside the calendar, such as from portals on my other layouts?

Yes. Remember that DayBack is simply a window into your existing Salesforce, FileMaker, or Basecamp records. Any objects you've configured to display in the calendar will be visible whether they are created in DayBack or in your own application's pages. There is no "sync" between a separate DayBack database and your Salesforce, FileMaker, Google, or Basecamp objects. DayBack reads and writes directly to your Salesforce tables, just like your other Salesforce pages do.