Record Specific Views in FileMaker

Adding DayBack to a Tab on a Contact or Showing Multiple DayBack Windows

You can't add DayBack to a records layout and the scroll through records expecting the calendar to stay up to date with each record's events. This looks like it works, but FileMaker instantiates a new web viewer cache for each record and you'll actually be seeing stale data and eventually find yourself out of memory.

Instead, check out the button on DayBack's Sample Projects layout that filters the calendar to show records from just one project. That script, "Show Project in Calendar - DayBack", sets URL filters to focus on just one project.

For your reference, here are all the filters that you can set this way: DayBack URLs.

Note that this is also why opening DayBack on multiple FileMaker windows appears to work but does not. Claris never intended the same web viewer to be in more than one window.