"None" Column

The Default Column for Unassigned Items

In addition to the resources you specify, DayBack includes a default column named "none" as the first column in the Resource view:

This column is useful for tagging events that need to be assigned resources. You can visit the Resources tab and drag events from the "none" column to available resources where you have gaps in your schedule.

Renaming the "None" Column

If you'd like to use another term for "none," visit  Admin Settings / Misc. There, you'll find an option to rename "none" to something else:

Removing the "None" Column

While we believe having a place for unassigned items is important, you can remove this column from your list of resources by following the instructions here. If you remove the "none" column, you might want to enable the list of unscheduled items instead.

Salesforce-specific Considerations

Note: If the field you’ve mapped to Resource is Owner (as it is in the default Event, Task, and Campaign sources set up by DayBack), remember that Owner cannot be left blank in Salesforce. In this case, you cannot assign none and will see a warning in DayBack that "Owner ID cannot be left blank." Consider other options for mapping the resource to a different field than Owner.Name .

Renaming "None" in FileMaker

For DayBack Classic: Newer versions of DayBack don’t require none in the resource field; it can simply be empty.

To use a different term for none in FileMaker, modify the auto-enter calculation for your resources field:

If ( IsEmpty ( Resource ) or not IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( Resource ; "none" ) ) ; "none" ; Resource )

Then, change the "no filter label" setting in Admin Settings / Misc as described above.