Bookmarks & Sharing



Bookmarks allow you to save calendar filters and views, including analytics, to quickly check in on the various stories you’re following. Bookmarks can be personal, shared within your DayBack group (your company), or shared publicly.

Public Bookmarks (Shares)

Making a bookmark public allows you to share your schedule with people who don't have access to your DayBack. A public bookmark creates a URL that reflects exactly what you see on screen in DayBack, respecting all your filters.

Any changes you make to events in DayBack will sync with the shared URL, keeping it up to date.

Uses for Public Bookmarks, or Shares:

  • Sending project schedules to your customers
  • Giving contractors access to their schedules
  • Publishing the schedule for a conference or site visit
  • Sharing plans with your family and friends

Creating Bookmarks

To create a bookmark, click "Bookmark/Share" in the upper right of DayBack Calendar, then click "Bookmark or Share This View."

"Share with"

  • By default, bookmarks are private and only visible to you, so others in your DayBack group won't be able to see them.
  • Select "My DayBack Group" to share the bookmark within your group. Group Bookmarks will appear in the Bookmark/Share menu for everyone in your group.
  • Select "Public" to generate a public URL that you can share with those outside your DayBack group, and will also be available to everyone in your DayBack Group.
    • For example, you may want to send a contractor their production schedule even though they don't have a license to your Salesforce org.

"Switch to this date..."

  • Usually, you'll want this set to OFF so the bookmark retains your current view and filters without changing the date. With this setting switched off, you can quickly snap to your favorite view and filter settings but leave the screen focused on whatever date you're looking at.
    • For example, if your bookmark is called "Projects Due" you'll see the projects due today, this week, or wherever date you're currently looking.
  • If bookmarking a specific event or project, you may want to set this to ON to jump to that specific date.
    • For example, if your projects start in June 2025, clicking the bookmark will take you to that date, no matter what date you're looking at.

Favorites ⭐️

  • Star your favorite bookmarks to keep them at the top of the list. Favorites are personal and do not apply to everyone in your group.


  • Navigate directly to a bookmark by entering the URL in your browser or send it as a link. When a bookmark is created or edited, you'll see the URL in the bookmark details and an option to copy that URL to the clipboard.
  • Public bookmark URLs will open for anyone in a unique public view, while group or personal bookmarks will open in your DayBack account as if you clicked "Visit" in the bookmarks menu.

Here's an example of a non-public bookmark URL, where  1593203345200U3927404528 is the bookmark ID. This ID can be used with custom app actions, or custom bookmark launchers to control DayBack's behavior:

Default Bookmarks

You can specify a bookmark in an app action to control what users see when DayBack first opens. You can set company-wide default bookmarks or specific bookmarks for unique workflows.

Launch a Bookmarked View when DayBack first Opens

The following article provides sample code for launching a company-wide default bookmark while launching user-specific bookmarks for users with unique workflows: Open to a Default Bookmark for Each User.

Sharing Your Schedule: Creating Public Bookmarks

When creating a bookmark, select "Public" as the "Share with" setting and you'll see additional options:

Click "Create Share" to generate a shareable URL. You can copy and email this URL to anyone who needs to see this schedule.

Click "Visit" to preview exactly what your recipients will receive.

Tips for Sharing

Date Ranges

When you select "Share this view," the share captures exactly what is in view. However, you can extend the view using the "Extend view" option to include events further into the future than the existing share.

Note: This option is only available for public shares (excluding Horizon view) and can only be configured when initially creating the share. If you want to share the longest date range for your projects, it's best to share from Horizon view.


Recipients will open the share to the same view you shared. For example, if you share from the month view, recipients will see the month view first. They can navigate to other views if they need to see hourly schedules or focus on individual days.


Shares respect your filters, allowing you to share just a portion of your calendar. Events that are filtered out will not be included in the share. Recipients will see your list of filters (statues and resources), and will be able to filter your share further than you have. For example:

  • If you share a schedule with the resource filter set to "Dr. Thomas," the recipient can still filter by status to see just their "confirmed" appointments.
  • If you share a schedule with both the resource filter set to "Dr. Thomas" and the status filter set to "confirmed," the recipient can turn off the "confirmed" filter, but no additional events will be revealed since only confirmed events were shared.

Expiring and Deleting Shares

From the Share menu in DayBack, click "Manage Shares" to see all the views your organization has shared. Deleting a share here will prevent recipients from accessing it again. The share will behave as if it's expired, and users will see a note saying the share can't be found.

New Events

DayBack can automatically update changes to existing events in a share but cannot automatically include new events (see "How it Works" below). If you create new events that match the filters set in the share and want to add them to the share, you can manually update the share. See Updating a Shared Bookmark for more details.

Taking Action from a Share

You can add button actions to shares, allowing recipients to jump to other pages or complete simple forms. For ideas and videos, see adding button actions to shares.

Keeping Shares in Sync

Once you create a share, any changes made to the shared events within DayBack will automatically sync with that share. This applies only to changes made in DayBack's interface. Changes made outside DayBack (such as in other Salesforce pages or in Basecamp) won't be synced until the event is edited again in DayBack or you manually update the share.

To manually update a share:

  1. Go to Share / Manage Shares.
  2. Select the share you want to update.
  3. Click "Update."

This action will save your view and filters to the share and re-sync every event in view, refreshing the share with any edits made outside the DayBack interface. For more details, see Updating a Shared Bookmark.

DayBack is designed to be the primary place for managing your schedule. It allows you to view all your calendars together, see resources side-by-side, and work with longer time scales to prevent deadlines from sneaking up on you.

To ensure an edit has been synced to your share, you can click on the share at any time from Share / Manage Shares to view it as the recipient would see it.

Related Articles:

Public Bookmarks: How it Works

When you create a public share, the calendar sends each visible event to DayBack's servers, similar to exporting your events. This process also records the current view, date range, and filters you have applied. This exporting only occurs for public bookmarks, not for bookmarks shared within your DayBack group or personal bookmarks.

When someone opens a shared URL, DayBack retrieves the shared events from the "expert" stored on our server instead of your original data source (like Google, FileMaker, or Salesforce). Share recipients have no access to your original data source or to events that were not visible when the share was created.

DayBack only exports the information visible in the shared view and in the event's popover (what you see when you click on an event). Other attributes of the event, or attributes of related records, are not exported to the share.

As you edit events in DayBack, the calendar checks if the event is part of a share. If it is, DayBack re-exports the updated event to the server, keeping the share in sync with your changes. However, shares do not automatically poll the server for updates. Someone viewing a share while you make changes will need to click "refresh" to see any changes you've made.

Embedding Public Shares in a Web Page:

You can embed any public share you have created in your web pages using an iframe. The embed code is available under the Public URL sub-menu once you have created your share:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can recipients edit shared events? 

No. Recipients of a share URL cannot edit those events.

Do recipients need to have accounts in my Salesforce org? 

No, recipients do not need any information from your Salesforce org, and DayBack does not access Salesforce when someone opens a share.

If an event is linked to a contact, is that contact information shared? 

The share includes only the information visible in DayBack. If a contact is linked to an event, the recipient can see the contact's name when they click on the event, but no other details about the contact will be shared unless included in the event's display.

Can I password-protect a share? 

No, anyone with the share URL can open it. If you share something by mistake, you can delete the share from Share / Manage Shares. Share URLs are not guessable and contain random elements, so others are unlikely to find your shares without the URL.

If you need to share schedules with technicians or contractors who require appointment details but aren't Salesforce users, consider using our Salesforce Connect solution. This solution provides password-restricted, real-time access to your Salesforce event data without needing to purchase an additional Salesforce license for each external contractor.

Who can create a share? 

By default, only DayBack administrators can create shares. However, administrators can enable sharing for everyone or turn off sharing completely.

Can I remove the share menu for all users? 

Yes, in Administrator Settings, go to the "Views" section and enter "Share" beside "Hide menu items" to remove the share menu.

Can I prevent my users from creating public bookmarks and just have them be able to create private bookmarks for themselves?

Yes, we can use CSS to hide the public bookmark/share options so that your users are only able to create private bookmarks for themselves. Here's our blog post that guides you on how to accomplish this.

What timezone are shares shown in?

Shares usually display in the recipient's timezone. For example, if you share an event at 2 pm PST, a recipient in New York will see it as a 5 pm EST event. That's normally the way you want things to work for meetings, phone calls, and appointments.

Sometimes you may wish to share to show in a certain timezone. For example, say you're sharing a conference schedule for a conference in California, and you want all events to show in local California time. You can lock a share to a specific timezone by using the "show in timezone" switch when creating the share. This setting cannot be changed after the share is created, but recipients can manually choose a different timezone if needed using the timezone selector in the sidebar.

Can I style shared views differently from how they appear in my DayBack?

Yes, by default, shares will inherit any CSS modifications made to DayBack. You can also apply styles that affect only shared pages by using the class .share-only

Can I filter a share?

Yes, filters work in public shares similarly to how they work in your DayBack instance, with a few differences:

  • If no filters are selected when creating the bookmark, all resources and statuses will be visible in the share.
  • If specific filters are selected, only those will be visible in the share's left-hand sidebar.
  • When using the text filter to filter by calendar name, there's a key difference in behavior between regular DayBack views and shared views. In the regular DayBack view, you can see individual calendar names in the Calendar tab of the left-hand sidebar. However, in a shared view, all these calendar names are collapsed into the name of the share. This means you can't filter public shares by "calendar name" as all events appear under the same calendar in the share. To work around this, filter by a field value within the event instead of the original calendar name. You may need to create a custom field for this purpose.

DayBack Extensions Related to Bookmarks

We offer many useful extensions in our DayBack Extensions Library. Here are the most popular extensions that work with Bookmarks.

Add a Search Box For Your Bookmark List

If you manage a lot of bookmarks, this modification makes it easy to find the bookmark you are looking for using a text search filter. The extension is triggered with the Shift+B keyboard shortcut, allowing you to quickly access a searchable list.

Open DayBack to a Company-Wide or User-Specific Bookmark

Go to a specific bookmark when DayBack first opens. This can be set company-wide, by individual, or by role to give each person the exact schedule view they need.

Add a Quick Access Button Launcher that Toggles Between Favorite Bookmarks

If you frequently switch between two to three frequently used bookmarks, you can add a quick-launch button menu to the lower right of your calendar.