Calendar's Tabs and Defaults

How can I change the way the calendar looks?

There are a number of settings that let you change the appearance of the calendar's tabs.

All of the tab settings can be found in your Admin Settings, under the section named "Views".

Removing a Tab

Use the "Hide Menu Items" field to list tabs that you'd like to remove. To hide multiple tabs, list them as a comma-separated list. You can click "Details" to find each tab's name.

Renaming a Tab

You can change the name of a tab using DayBack's translation settings. This simple method can be used to change any text on the calendar interface.

Changing the Default Tab

DayBack defaults to the month view, but this setting can be easily via the "Default View" setting.

Adding a Home Tab

DayBack offers a "Home" tab that shows up when this feature is enabled. The "Home" tab can be used to open any URL of your choosing. For example, you may want a tab that takes you to your Project Management system, or another site that you use frequently. While we call this the "Home" tab, this term can be renamed to any text you choose using DayBack's translation settings. If you do not need a tab like this, you can simply leave this setting blank, which disables this feature.

Change the Default Sidebar Tab

You can also change the default sidebar tab using the "Default Sidebar Tab" settings.

Changing Tab's Look and Feel

You can easily change a tab's look and feel, such as the color or shape by using DayBack's custom CSS. Instructions, tips, and some sample modifications can be found here: CSS.

The Home Tab in FileMaker Calendars

To have the home button call a script in your FileMaker file, you cannot use an fmp19: URL directly, as it will be considered "unsafe." Additionally, FMP URLs don't work in WebDirect.

Instead, use an After Calendar Rendered app action to override the button's behavior, making it run a JavaScript function that calls a FileMaker script. You can find this action here.